Personal Interest


My personal interest is to restore vintage tractors and bring them back to their original style. Last summer my father and I decided to restore my granddad’s Massey Ferguson 35x. We started the  project at the end of June and weren’t finished until the middle of September. I founded working on the tractor very interesting because you got to see different parts of the tractor that you have never see before.

I’m glad to see that I’m the owner of the tractor now and I hope in the future that I can restore other tractors.


Engineers Week


Yesterday our class went up to The Mount Errigal Hotel in Letterkenny with Mr. Ward. We arrived in Letterkenny around 12 o’ clock. There were about 15 stands with people to inform us about all the different types of engineering. The people were very informative about engineering. After about an hour in the hotel we all went for food.

We were back at school for the last class. So we had a great day.


Living with a Disability Workshop


Last Wednesday and yesterday Jennifer and her guide dog OJ with her assist Debra came in to do a workshop with us Jennifer was born blind. Last week we watch a DVD about to girls who were in wheelchairs. One girl lived in the town and the other lived in a village. After the video was finished we had to compare their lives to one another. We also discussed names what people called disability people. Before Jennifer and her assist left we were given a presentation to do on people with a disability, my group was given a person who was in a wheelchair.

Yesterday all the groups got to show their Power Points to Jennifer and the rest of the class.Our presentation went well so I was happy. Jennifer showed us her iPhone that was able to talk to her and she also had a app that will take a picture and tell her what it is.

Before Jennifer and OJ left we all got a certificate that we completed the course. We all went outside and got a picture together.

I found the two days interesting.
